Saturday, September 24, 2016

Trump promises to boost both coal and natural gas

Donald Trump on Thursday traveled to Pittsburg. As New York Times write, he promised the impossible for the city: a boom for coal and gas.

Exploration of natural gas would hurt coal production, and vice versa. These two fuels compete for the same market - which one will light American homes. So it is impossible to increase production of one without decreasing the other.

“The shale energy revolution will unleash massive wealth for America,” he told an audience of chief executives from the energy industry. “And we will end the war on coal and the war on miners.”Robert N. Stavins, director of the environmental economic program at Harvard, said that Mr.Trump has showed a lack of basic knowledge about energy markets. Right now there is a tremendous fall in coal employment - low natural gas prices due to increased supplies of natural gas from hydraulic fracturing.

Mr.Trump also said “We will scrap the Clean Power Plan!”(President Obama’s climate change policy, the Clean Power Plan. The heart of the rule is a set of aggressive Environmental Protection Agency regulations intended to curb planet-warming carbon pollution, which comes mainly from coal-fired power plants. The rule has been temporarily suspended by a Supreme Court order, but if it is eventually upheld, it would most likely lead to the shutdown of hundreds of coal-fired plants — and an eventual freeze of the nation’s coal markets.)

From the one hand, it would please the coal industry, but from the other, it could work against natural gas. (Gas produces just half the carbon pollution of coal).

Stavin says that:" if Trump really wants to do something as president for natural gas, he should support the Clean Power Plan,” Professor Stavins said. “Yes, it will hurt coal, but it increase demand for natural gas.”

Post by Anete Rožukalne

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